Professional Awards:
Business & Professional Woman, Young Career Woman of California – I competed at the local and state level to win this award which was judged on professional achievement, community work and a speech. I represented California at the national BPW conference in Honolulu.
California Teacher’s Association Media Excellence Award – I won this award for an investigative series into a school official who was covering up an asbestos problem.
Newsroom Awards – My newsroom, a CBS affiliate, won numerous AP, UPI and RTNDA awards. Also, I won Best Anchor.
Oregon Mortgage Bankers Association – Award for Outstanding Service in chairing the state’s publicity committee.
Rotary International – I’ve chaired various committees and fundraisers and am a Paul Harris Fellow.
Compliments from clients:
“Thanks for the amazingly tight turnaround – you are wonderful!”
“Thanks again Susan, fantastic work! I think the tone is perfect!”
“As with the other videos, these are great!”
“Susan, you have an eloquent way of weaving the story and the various personal styles.”
“You obviously made our team feel comfortable and drew out some wonderful insights.”
“Thank you for capturing the heart and soul of our team!”